Caravan Policy

Chilies will use the Lilies War Caravan Policy as follows:

1. Background and Purpose

Over the years at Lilies, trailers in camp have been permitted by the staff with varying guidelines.  However, parking on the grass is specifically prohibited by Clay County ordinance.  Special exception has been made by the park for food trucks in the food merchant area only. 

Several frequent Lilies participants have constructed or have plans to construct historic-styled trailers or caravans for use at events.  This policy is designed to accommodate those who have gone to this extra amount of effort while still maintaining compliance with modern law.  This policy is specifically not designed to allow camping in modern trailers or recreational vehicles, even if disguised.

2. Designated areas

Because wheeled vehicles must be parked on pavement, use of caravans will be limited to designated areas only.  This includes space in the area used for Staff Parking and the parking area across from Food Merchants.

3. Pre-registration

Caravans must be pre-registered before the deadline set by the Event Steward.  You will be assigned a spot in one of the designated areas, although you will not be guaranteed a specific spot.

To pre-register, you must supply the following information:

    • Contact information for the responsible person
    • Dimensions of the caravan

4. Outdoor encampment

The Lilies staff will strive to provide you a designated on-pavement spot with an adjacent grassy area for a shade fly or other outdoor living area, but cannot guarantee this.  All other camping rules, such as not camping within 10 feet of the pavement, will apply to this area. 

5. Parking and securing the caravan

  • Caravans must be parked and not moved for the duration of the event. Caravans must depart by the event closing time.
  • Your tow vehicle must be moved to main parking.
  • You must not infringe on the space of adjacent parking or caravans.
  • Wheels must remain entirely on the pavement at all times.
  • You may not block or impede traffic. It is critical that emergency vehicles or service vehicles (i.e. trash haulers, portajohn trucks) are not impeded in any way.
  • The caravan must be secured in place to prevent rolling away or other accidents.
  • The caravan may not leak or discharge any fluid or gas including oil, hydraulic fluid, propane, black water, gray water, or any other substance.
  • The caravan may not exceed 8.5 x 20 feet in length (approximately the length of a large pickup truck).

6. Appearance standards

  • Caravans must be specifically constructed to approximate a medieval building or wagon which could have existed during the time covered by SCA period.
  • Modern campers or RVs which have been painted, covered, textured or otherwise disguised but retain their inherent shape or physical characteristics are not permitted.  Similarly, tiny houses that have the appearance of modern architecture are not permitted.
  • Wheels, tongue, and any other modern external features which cannot be avoided should be disguised to the extent it is possible.
  • Conformity with appearance standards is at the judgement of the Lilies Event Steward or their delegate for caravans.  In case of a conflict, the applicant may appeal to the Lilies Committee Chair.

7. General advice

    • Non-conforming trailers may park in the main parking lot.
    • Those with modern campers or RVs are reminded that several campgrounds with full hookups and other amenities are available near the Lilies site. You must make your own arrangements for these locations.
    • Caravan space is extremely limited and will be allotted in order of registration. If no space is available, you must use the parking lot or make other arrangements.
    • Caravan users are reminded that all other camping rules apply, including those regarding the use of generators.
    • Please construct your caravan and your camp with safety in mind.
    • In the event of a tornado, be aware that your caravan will offer no protection. Leave your caravan and seek shelter in a concrete building or low-lying area
  • Please do not attempt to circumvent the letter or spirit of the rules by removing wheels or making other onsite alterations. Please contact the Chilies Event Steward or the Lilies Committee Chair with any questions before the event.