Site Rules

 Chilies is an official event of the SCA, Inc. – Kingdom of Calontir. Modern law as well as the laws and policies of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and the Kingdom of Calontir apply at all times. The Autocrat reserves the right to remove anyone from the Chilies for failure to comply with these rules or for otherwise creating an unacceptable disturbance. Serious violations may result in being banned from the following year’s Chilies, referral to the Kingdom or Society for additional action, or referral to the modern authorities.

In cases of violation of modern law or park rules, the local civil authorities may be summoned. Such violations will be considered grounds for removal from the site with forfeiture of fees.


All minors must have a parent or legal guardian on site at all times, or must be accompanied by a responsible adult, at least 21 years of age. Any minor attending without a parent or legal guardian must have at least 2 copies of NOTARIZED Informed Consent to Participate waivers and Minor’s Medical Authorization forms properly filled out for each minor before arriving on site. Please note that the local hospital requires all medical authorizations to be notarized. Parents or legal guardians bringing their own minor children do not need notarized medical authorizations, although they are strongly recommended since minors cannot remain on site unless a parent, legal guardian, or adult responsible for the child and named in a notarized medical authorization is also present on site. If a minor has a Society-issued membership card denoting a waiver is on file (currently printed on blue card stock), they do not need to have the Informed Consent to participate waiver.

Minors too young to be able to identify themselves and their parents must be marked with this information in an acceptable manner. Medical armbands or pendant tags will be available at Gate.

Forms required for this are available on the Seneschal Page on the Calontir Website.


The legal age for alcohol consumption in the State of Missouri is 21 years of age.


is allowed only in the parking lot. This is a specifically designated, roped off area with lanes for parking near the campground entrance.

Failure to comply with any parking rules may result in ticketing by Park Rangers, or towing. Repeat offences may result in expulsion from site.

Vehicles may not be parked along roads or in camps unless immediately loading or unloading.  When you are finished loading or unloading, move to the parking lot immediately.  Never block a road, even for a short time.

Parking anywhere but the parking lot, including near the dumpsters, showers, permanent shelters, or food merchants, is a violation of site rules. 

Trailers may not be parked in camps. They must be parked in the trailer lot.  Only trailers are permitted in the Trailer lot.  No attached vehicles are permitted.

Parking in the oversize-vehicle area permitted by permission only. Permission must be obtained beforehand from Event Steward Staff.

Permission to park trailers attached to vehicles in oversize-vehicle area may be given on a case-by-case basis by Event Steward Staff. Vehicles so parked may not be moved during the event. If you’ll need to move it, drop the trailer and park your vehicle in the parking lot.

Use of the Handicapped Parking area requires a government-issued handicapped license plate or mirror tag.

Staff Parking is reserved for authorized staff vehicles for which a special Staff mirror-tag has been issued.

Stay on the pavement.  Vehicles are permitted to drive into grassed areas for brief periods during unloading and loading only.

When the ground is wet, The Event Steward may close off traffic in and out of grassed areas.  When roads are closed, all traffic will be restricted to paved or gravel roads. Driving onto closed roads or other areas may result in immediate expulsion from site.  If your vehicle is “trapped” by a closed road, do not damage the ground by driving.  Wait until the roads re-open.

Chilies does not provide tractor “towing” services. If you find yourself stuck, you must get yourself unstuck.  If you are blocking traffic, it must be done immediately.

Personal Motorized Vehicles: No personal golf carts, mopeds, or similar vehicles are allowed, except for wheelchairs or other approved conveyances for disabled persons.

Camp Space: 

Camping space is on a “first come-first camp” basis. The Autocrat staff will NOT make any land allocations for campsites. (Merchant areas, however, are assigned and reserved.)

Anyone wishing to reserve space for others should use courtesy, common sense, and diplomacy – and realize that there is a great deal of space available throughout the park.  Marking off an area does not give title to that area; it only indicates that you wish to reserve it and asks for cooperation and consideration.

Camping is prohibited within 10 feet of any paved or gravel road. This is a park rule and will be enforced by the Park Rangers.

Do not camp in the safety zone around the gas pipelines.

Public Roadways and Spaces: 

All roads and paths must be kept clear. Anyone setting up camp on paths or roadways, directly around the main fire pit, below the archery range, on the battlefield, or in any other public or restricted area will be required to move. Please do not allow tent ropes, signs, camp items, etc. to encroach on paths or on your neighbor’s spaces.

Trees and Bushes:

 The only modification you may make to the site is to mow the grass. Trees, tree limbs, saplings, and shrubs may not be cut under any circumstances. The park authorities will handle any violations.


All fire pits must be inspected by the Chilies  Fire Safety Coordinator before they are used. If a camp has a fire pit of any sort, a fire extinguisher (Class AB minimum) needs to be present also.

Do not dig fire pits in roadways, walkways or the safety zones around the gas pipelines.

No open bowl type torches and no ground torches that are not secured in place. (For example, tiki torches must be put securely into the ground or a portable hole so that they cannot be easily knocked over.)

You may gather deadfall material from the woods to use as firewood. 

Fire shows are prohibited without prior written approval from the Event Steward.  Fire shows include, but are not limited to, fire walking, fire breathing, explosives, pyrotechnics and fire poi.

You must fill in your fire pits prior to leaving the event. Please stamp down the ashes and replace the soil. Don’t use your fire pit to bury your trash.

Please be careful with all open flames.

Fires in grills, hibachis, and the like are permitted if ash and coals are disposed of in a responsible manner.


All camps are to be left free of garbage before we leave. Place all garbage in an appropriate park or event supplied receptacle. By request of the Parks Department, this specifically includes any part of cigarette butts.

Water Spigots: Potable water from a public water supply is available at several locations around the site. All spigots must be accessible to the public at all times. Hoses may be attached only in such a way as to allow easy access to water for everyone. You may not wash dishes, clothing, people, or animals at a public water spigot. Please use common sense and courtesy to aid us all in maintaining sanitary public water access.

Electricity: There are no public electrical outlets available on site. The existing electrical outlets may be used only with specific permission from the Event Steward staff. Recharging of medically-necessary equipment is available at the Medical Recharge station. Under no circumstances may anyone alter or modify any electrical outlet.

Lake Activities:

Notice: The Chilies event site does not extend beyond the shore into the lake. The lake is administered by the Kansas City office of the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Clay County Missouri Parks Department. Any activities taking place on the lake are undertaken at one’s own risk, and should adhere to the rules for lake use posted by those authorities.

All participants, especially those bringing watercraft, are strongly urged to read the regulations regarding use of USACE lakes at and information at


Swim at your own risk. No lifeguards are on duty. Swimming is permitted anywhere in the lake unless otherwise posted.

Kids at the waterfront: 

    • Children 5 years of age or younger must have an adult in the water with them within arm’s reach.

    • Children 6-12 must be accompanied to the waterfront by a responsible older teen or adult, who must maintain line-of-sight at all times.


The Park Department requests that campers be courteous to others using the Lake Campgrounds after 10:30 PM. This does not mean that we cannot sing, drum, and revel. However, if any complaints of excessive noise are received from the park staff, the Event Steward will require those creating the disturbance lower the volume or move as appropriate.


 Well-behaved pets are allowed at Chilies. Violation of pet rules may result in the removal of the animal from site at the discretion of the Event Steward. The Event Steward may also require the pet owner to leave site.

Pets must be kept on a leash no longer than 6 feet while walking around site.  A longer leash may be used while in camp as long as it keeps the pet within the boundaries of the owner’s camp.  When not on a leash, the pet must be caged. “On a leash” means the non-pet end of is attached to either a person or a stationary object. 

Owners must clean up after their pets. Pick up all animal waste and dispose of it in a trash receptacle.  Please do not allow your pet to relieve themselves in any public area.

Pets are specifically forbidden to enter the battlefield, archery range, or any additional public areas that are marked as such.  No pets will be allowed in the Food Court area, including the food merchant tents.

If a pet bites or otherwise injures a person or another animal, the owner will without exception be required to remove the animal from site immediately. 

The owner is responsible for the pet’s well-being and behavior.  Owners of pets which appear to be neglected or in distress will be required to remove the pet from site.  Excessive nuisances and noise such as barking or howling will not be tolerated.


Horses are not allowed at Chilies.


Smoking is not permitted in any public buildings/areas or event-provided tents. Smoking is also not permitted in any merchant or food tents. Also, there is no smoking permitted at any advertised party unless there is a designated smoking area. All parts of cigarette butts be placed in an appropriate trash container. Consider carrying a cigarette butt tin with you to prevent your butts from reaching the ground.

Prohibited Items:

 Firearms, fireworks, weapons of any kind (other than those acceptable for reenactment purposes – like swords, knives, bows, etc.), hazardous chemicals, or any similar items are expressly forbidden.